Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The boomerang should stay in Australia

When I was a kid, I loved the thought of playing with a boomerang. I had seen them in several shows and just thought they were the coolest thing ever. Then, I went to the museum of natural history on a field trip, and you will never believe what the were selling in the gift shop. For a mere several dollars, I bought my very own boomerang. We were inside so there was no way to try it out, but I was so excited. We went to a park to eat lunch after leaving the museum, and I knew I would get my chance. While everyone else scouted out the best places to sit for lunch, my best friend and I went in search for an open area to try my new toy. Now let me first say that I knew how boomerangs were supposed to work, I had seen them on tv after all. So, I guess it shouldn't have been a surprise at what happened after I threw it. I expected it to come back. I just expected to catch it with my hands and not my head. I immediately gave it to my friend and decided I didn't like boomerangs.

Guess what? Now as an adult, I like boomerangs even less. Though instead of the wooden ones hitting me in the head, it is the blood sugar boomerangs hitting me in my meter. If I have a bowl of ice cream at night and cover it accordingly, why does the body decide it must come racing back to ground zero at light speed. I can feel the boomerang coming as it zeros in. My lips get super cold and tingly. Shannon says I get this weird look in my eyes and I start acting like I've had a few Captain and diet's. The same thing happens with Joshua, my youngest. Isn't diabetes hard enough without crazy variables? Just a rant that I thought I would throw out to the choir :)


  1. i love you babe!! Glad you are writting!! it does suck.. they say as we learn more about the foods we will be able to calculate more effectivly

  2. I hate boomerangs too! I never thought of the analogy before but it is perfect to describe soooo many foods and blood glucose responses to those foods.

    Ice cream is a difficult one for us too.

  3. it's very scary to think that even when you're correcting you can still plummet down...I am so glad to see you writing more and talking about your experiences with Diabetes. When Joshua is older I know he will cherish reading these memories/thoughts/struggles/hopes written by his dad
